Cockroaches breed rapidly, carry a range of serious illnesses and are a nuisance for the homeowner. The health implications from these pests stem from the fact that cockroaches move freely from areas that may harbour pathogenic organisms: for example, from sewers to your kitchen counter.

Keep an eye out for these signs in your home or commercial building:
Seeing Live Insects
Cockroaches are nocturnal and hide during the day. You will most likely see them when turning on the light in the kitchen at night.
Egg Cases and Cast Skins
Cockroaches shed their skin 5-8 times as they mature.
Cockroaches leave a dust of black droppings less than 1mm wide and of varying lengths.
Established cockroach infestations produce an unpleasant, musty smell.
Cockroaches will attack organic goods including leather and books.
Cockroach Control Treatment
A cockroach pest treatment requires an inspection of the premises and the application of a gel bait to areas such as the corner of cupboards, behind the fridge or in bathrooms. Another option is a chemical spray application to the skirting and other hiding places that the cockroach is likely to cross during foraging. Insecticides remain the most common control method and these are usually applied as sprays to the cockroaches’ hiding places and breeding areas.
Recognising Cockroaches
There are two common species found in the home:

German Cockroach
– 5/8”
Also known as the “croton bug” the German roach is brown in colour with 2 dark stripes on the thorax. The wings are as long as the body or slightly overlapping in both sexes, despite this they prefer to run or climb. It prefers moist environments such as kitchen cabinets and bathrooms.

American Cockroach
– 1 ½”
Also known as the palmetto bug, the American Cockroach is reddish brown in colour and has a pale yellow area around the perimeter of the pronotum. These cockroaches tend to be found in dark, undisturbed areas that are high in humidity.
Contact Allrid Today
Contact allrid today for all your pest control requirements. As the state’s leading pest control company, we personally standby every single cockroach control treatment with a 3-month service guarantee.